FPPC Forms

Below is a comprehensive list of every FPPC form with brief explanations of who must file the form. If you have questions about your obligations under the Act, you can always Request Advice from the FPPC.

All pdf forms are ADA compliant.


Form 700

Every public official who makes or participates in making governmental decisions is required to file a Statement of Economic Interests, commonly referred to as the Form 700.

  • Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests

For additional information and resources, such as our reference pamphlet and frequently asked questions, please visit How to File a Form 700.

To amend a previously filed 2023/2024 Form 700, use the amendment form below.

To amend a Form 700 filed in a previous year, go to Previous Year Versions of Form 700.

Campaign Forms

The Form T10 must be filed by committees primarily formed to support or oppose a state ballot measure that raise $1,000,000 or more, and have contributions of $10,000 or more from a single source. The T10 must also be filed by committees primarily formed to support or oppose a state candidate that raise $1,000,000 or more, and have received contributions of $10,000 or more from a single source (this does not include a committee controlled by a state candidate for his or her own election).

The Form 400 must be filed within 10 days after the slate mailer organization receives, or is promised to receive, $500 or more for producing one or more slate mailers.

  • Form 400  - Slate Mailer Organization Statement of Organization
  • Form 400 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 401 is filed by slate mailer organizations to disclose payments made and received in connection with producing slate mailers.

The Form 402 is filed by slate mailer organizations to terminate the organization.

  • Form 402 - Slate Mailer Organization Statement of Termination  
  • Form 402 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 409 is filed by a Limited Liability Company (LLC) if the LLC qualifies as a committee or committee sponsor. The statement must disclose all members who have a membership interest in the LLC of at least 10% or who have made a cumulative capital contribution of at least $10,000 to the LLC within the 12 months prior to qualification as a committee or sponsor of a committee, as well as other detailed information.

  • Form 409 - Limited Liability Company (LLC) Statement of Members

The Form 410 must be filed within 10 days of receiving $2,000 in contributions. When filing the Form 410, include a $50 payment made payable to the Secretary of State. If your committee has not yet reached the $2,000 threshold, mark the “not yet qualified” box. The $50 fee is requested at this time but is not legally required until the group qualifies as a committee.

The Form 425 is filed by recipient committees that have not received any contributions and have not made any expenditures during the six-month period covered by a semi-annual statement.

  • Form 425 - Semi-Annual Statement of No Activity (Not for use by candidates/officeholders)
  • Form 425 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 450 is filed by recipient committees that meet certain specific criteria listed in the Form 450.

  • Form 450 - Recipient Committee Campaign Statement-Short Form (Not for use by candidates/officeholders)
  • Form 450 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 460 is filed by recipient committees to report expenditures and contributions. The Form 460 can be used to file a preelection statement, semi-annual statement, quarterly statement, termination statement, special odd-year report, or an amendment to a previously filed statement.

The Form 461 is filed by major donors, independent expenditure committees, and multipurpose organizations including nonprofits. 

The Form 462 is used by committees or individuals making independent expenditures. It identifies an individual responsible for ensuring that the independent expenditures were not coordinated with the listed candidate or measure committee (or the opponent), and ensures that all contributions and reimbursements will be reported as required by law.

  • Form 462 - Verification of Independent Expenditures

The Form 470 is filed by officeholders and candidates who do not have a controlled committee, do not receive contributions totaling $2,000 or more during the calendar year, and do not spend $2,000 or more during the calendar year.

  • Form 470 - Officeholder/Candidate Campaign Statement-Short Form and Form 470 Supplement
  • Form 470 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 496 is filed by committees that make independent expenditures whose combined total is $1,000 or more to support or oppose a single candidate for elective office, or a single ballot measure. File the Form 496 within 24-hours of making the expenditure during the 90 days immediately preceding the election.

The Form 497 is filed by state and local committees making or receiving contribution(s) whose combined total is $1,000 or more in the 90 days before an election, committees reporting contributions of $5,000 or more in connection with a state ballot measure, and state candidates as well as state ballot measure committees that receive $5,000 or more at any time other than a 90-day election cycle.

  • Form 497 - 497 24-hour/10-day Contribution Report

The Form 498 is filed by a slate mailer organization upon receipt of a late payment.

  • Form 498 - Late Payment Report (Slate Mailer Organizations)

The Form 501 is filed each election by candidates for state or local office.

The Form 507 is filed by any qualifying organization or enterprise operated for profit that is a "business entity", pursuant to Section 82005 that directly or indirectly does any of the following:

- Uses its products or services to alter the online search results its products or services generate in order to emphasize or deemphasize materials containing express advocacy, as that term is defined in Section 82025, subdivision (c); or

- Uses its products or services to target online advertisements to individuals or groups, or generally to users or members of the public, without full and adequate consideration for political purposes, as that term is defined in Section 82025, subdivision (b). 

  • Form 507 -  Business Entity: Advocacy & Advertisements Statement of Online Activity


The Form 511 is filed by committees that make expenditures totaling $5,000 or more to an individual for his or her appearance in a printed, televised, or radio advertisement, or in a telephone message, to support or oppose the qualification, passage, or defeat of a state or local ballot measure.

On-line Form E-530 reports must be filed by anyone spending or promising to pay $50,000 or more for a communication disseminated within 45 days of an election, if the communication clearly identifies a candidate for state elective office but does not expressly advocate the election or defeat of that candidate.

Form E-530 - Communications Identifying State Candidates (Instructions)

*Additional Filing Instructions for Filing Campaign Forms with the Secretary of State:

Effective January 1, 2023, persons required to file a report or statement by paper with the Secretary of State’s Office may instead file by email with a digital signature or other digital means as prescribed by the Secretary of State’s Office.

The following forms are able to be digitally signed and filed with the Secretary of State’s Office. Please check with your local filing officer to see if they are accepting forms with digital signatures.

Campaign Forms:

  • 400, 401, 402, 410, 425, 450, 460, 461, 470, 501, 511

To use and complete a form with a digital signature, please follow the following steps:

  • Download and save the form to your device as a PDF.
  • Open the form in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Fill out every form field applicable to you except for the signature field.
  • Make sure to review your document for completeness and accuracy, as once the form is signed, it cannot be edited. 
  • Click the signature field and apply your Digital ID.
  • Then, send the digitally signed form to your filing official via email from an email of a signer of the form. 

For more information, such as how to create a Digital ID, please see our Filing with a Digital Signature fact sheet.

Lobbying Forms

The Form 601 is filed on a biennial basis by a lobbying firm or individual contract lobbyist wishing to register or renew an existing registration. The form must be filed within 10 days of qualifying as a lobbying firm.  Renewal of existing registration is due between November 1 and December 31 of each even-numbered year. This registration is valid for the complete two-year cycle of such session.

The Form 602 is an authorization form filed by each person who employs or contracts with a lobbying firm. This form serves as an attachment to Form 601, and is filed by the applicable lobbying firm.  The Form 602 also contains a schedule which describes by category the nature and interest of the client of the firm. Like Form 601 this registration attachment is valid for the length of the State Legislative session for which it is filed. The Form 602 must be filed by a firm or its client, prior to attempting to influence legislative or administrative action on behalf of that client.

The Form 603 is a registration statement filed by registered lobbyists employers or lobbying coalitions upon qualifying as an employer or coalition. This form is also used to renew an existing registration on a biennial basis. The Form 603 must be filed within 10 days of qualifying as a lobbyist employer or lobbying coalition. Renewal of an existing registration is due between November 1 and December 31 of each even-numbered year. This registration is valid for the complete two-year cycle of such session.

  • Form 603  - Lobbyist Employer/Lobbying Coalition Registration Statement
  • Form 603 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 604 is the certification statement filed by an individual who qualifies as a lobbyist (including an individual contract lobbyist). The Form 604 is the initial certification statement and is also used as a renewal of a previous lobbyist certification. This form includes verification as to whether the lobbyist has attended a required course within the previous 12 months on ethical issues and laws relating to lobbying. When submitted as a paper filing, this form is an attachment to either the firm's Form 601 or the employer's Form 603. If the form is filed electronically, it is filed separately by the lobbyist.

The Form 605 is the standard amendment form used to amend any previously-filed registration information. It is used to add or delete both lobbyists and clients to an existing registration. It is also used to change name, address, and responsible officer information, as well as any other pertinent information found on Forms 601602603 or 604.

The Form 606 is filed by any lobbying firm, registered lobbyist employer, lobbying coalition or lobbyist who wishes to terminate a filed registration or certification statement. A client of a firm (non-registered employer) does not use this form to cease lobbying activity. Instead it is deleted by the associated firm, which files a Form 605. The Form 606 is filed within 20 days of ceasing all lobbying activity. A final quarterly disclosure statement must be filed for the quarter in which the date of termination is effective.

The Form 607 is filed by a lobbying firm or lobbyist wishing to withdraw the filed registration statement of a firm which has never met the statutory definition of a lobbying firm or lobbyist. Submittal of this form relieves the filer of any duty to file any previously-required quarterly disclosure statements.

The Form 615 is the quarterly disclosure statement completed by the in-house lobbyist of a lobbying firm, lobbyist employer, or lobbying coalition. It is not filed on its own, but rather, for paper filers, it is an attachment to either the Form 625 (Report of Lobbying Firm) or Form 635 (Report of Lobbyist Employer/Lobbying Coalition) Electronic or online filers file these as separate documents.

The Form 625 is the quarterly disclosure statement filed by a lobbying firm (including individual contract lobbyists) each calendar quarter. If the firm employs one or more in-house lobbyists, then, for paper filers, a separate Form 615 (Lobbyist Report) must be attached for each lobbyist. Electronic or online filers file these as separate documents.

The Form 630 is used by lobbying firms and lobbyist employers to disclose payments to lobbying coalitions.  Form 630 is filed as an attachment to either Form 625 (Report of Lobbying Firm) or Form 635 (Report of Lobbyist Employer/Lobbying Coalition).

  • Form 630 - Payments Made to Lobbying Coalitions

The Form 635 is the quarterly disclosure statement filed by a lobbyist employer or a lobbying coalition. For employers and lobbying coalitions filing on paper, a separate Form 615 must be completed for each in house lobbyist and attached to the Form 635. Electronic or online filers file these as separate documents. This form is also used as a quarterly disclosure statement for a client of a firm which has no in-house lobbyist (also referred to as a non-registered employer).

  • Form 635 – Report of Lobbyist Employer/Lobbying Coalition 
  • Form 635 with Digital Signature* (for persons required to file with Secretary of State. See additional filing instructions below)

The Form 635-C is filed by a lobbying coalition as an attachment to the Form 635 (Report of a Lobbying Coalition) and discloses all payments received from the members of a coalition.

  • Form 635-C - Payments Received by Lobbying Coalitions 

Lobbyist employers and $5,000 filers must complete Attachment Form 640 - Reporting of Other Payments to Influence Legislative or Administrative Action. The Form 640 is filed as an attachment to either Form 635 (Report of Lobbyist Employer/Lobbying Coalition) or Form 645 (Report of $5,000 Filer).

  • Form 640 - Other Payments to Influence Reporting 

The Form 645 is filed by entities that do not employ a lobbyist or contract with a lobbying firm but that make payments to influence legislative or administrative action (including payments to a lobbying coalition) aggregating $5,000 or more in a calendar quarter.

This form is used by all lobbying entities to amend any information previously submitted on a quarterly disclosure report.

*Additional Filing Instructions for Filing Lobbying Forms with the Secretary of State:

Effective January 1, 2023, persons required to file a report or statement by paper with the Secretary of State’s Office may instead file by email with a digital signature or other digital means as prescribed by the Secretary of State’s Office.

The following forms are able to be digitally signed and filed with the Secretary of State’s Office. 

Lobbying Forms:

  • 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 615, 625, 635, 645, 690

To use and complete a form with a digital signature, please follow the following steps:

  • Download and save the form to your device as a PDF.
  • Open the form in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Fill out every form field applicable to you except for the signature field.
  • Make sure to review your document for completeness and accuracy, as once the form is signed, it cannot be edited.
  • Click the signature field and apply your Digital ID.
  • Then, send the digitally signed form to your filing official via email from an email of a signer of the form. 

For more information, such as how to create a Digital ID, please see our Filing with a Digital Signature fact sheet.

Public Officials and Employees

Form 801 is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies that are used for agency purposes and paid by a third party. FPPC Regulations 18944 and 18950.1 provide a procedure that agencies may use to disclose these payments, which may include a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of using agency funds; and a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency. 

  • Form 801 – Payments to Agency Report

FPPC Regulation 18944.1 sets out the circumstances under which an agency’s distribution of tickets to entertainment events, sporting events, and like occasions would not result in a gift to individuals that attend the function. In general, the agency must adopt a policy which identifies the public purpose served in distributing the admissions. The Form 802 serves to detail each event and the public purpose of each ticket distribution.

  • Form 802 – Agency Report of Ceremonial Role Events and Ticket Distributions

A behested payment is made when a state or local elected official or a member of California’s Public Utilities Commission solicits a donation to an organization, such as a 501(c)(3), that is used for legislative, governmental or charitable purposes. These payments are not considered campaign contributions or gifts. While state law limits the amount of campaign contributions and gifts, there are no limits on behested payments. State law requires that behested payments be reported if they total $5,000 or more per calendar year from a single source. Officials must report the behested payments within 30 days of the date they are made.

State Officials: You may file the report electronically or in hard copy.  

Local Officials:  You must file the report in hard copy.

  • Form 803 - Behested Payment Report (State officials can e-file!)
  • Form 803 – Behested Payment Report (Paper copy)

FPPC Regulation 18734 requires new positions that make or participate in making governmental decisions to file under the broadest disclosure category in the new employee’s agency’s conflict of interest code. If the new position performs limited duties, the agency must tailor the disclosure requirements to the duties performed.

If the agency provides tailored disclosure, the agency must provide a written description of the position's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The written description is a public document and must be maintained along with the agency’s conflict of interest code. To assist agencies in complying with this requirement, the FPPC created Form 804.

FPPC Regulation 18734 requires consultants to file under the broadest disclosure category in an agency’s conflict of interest code. If the consultant performs limited duties, the agency must tailor the disclosure requirements to the duties performed. 

If the agency provides tailored disclosure, the agency must provide a written description of the consultant's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The written description is a public document and must be maintained along with the agency’s conflict of interest code. To assist agencies in complying with this requirement, the FPPC created Form 805.

An official may vote to hold another position even if the voting official will receive additional income so long as the public is informed prior to the vote or consent item. FPPC Regulation 18702.5 provides for the filing of a Form 806 under these circumstances. Each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions to which an official will vote to appoint themselves. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, the Form 806 is updated to reflect the change. The form must be updated promptly as changes occur.

  • Form 806 – Agency Report of Public Official Appointments

Donor Disclosure List for Certain Nonprofit Organizations

Government Code Section 89506(f) requires certain 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to file Form 807 to disclose donors of $1,000 or more who accompanied an elected officeholder for any portion of specified travel.

Contract for Provision of Services to Local Government Agencies (Gov. Code § 83123.6)

Government Code Section 83123.6 allows the Commission to assume primary responibility for the impartial, effective administration, implementation, and enforcement of a local campaign finance or government ethics law passed by the local government agency once mutually agreed upon by the Commission and the governing body of a local government agency.

All FPPC Forms