October 12, 2021 Committee Agenda
The Law and Policy Committee will hold a committee meeting on October 12, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. The committee will meet to discuss and determine recommendations to make to the full Commission and the public can both listen and participate in the committee proceedings. To submit public comment prior to the meeting, email commasst@fppc.ca.gov. To participate in real time, visit http://mediasite.fppc.ca.gov/ or call into the phone number listed at the bottom of this notice.
1. Public Comment for items not on the agenda.
2. Approval of September 7, 2021 minutes.
3. Legislative Development. Staff: Lindsey Nakano, Legislative Counsel. The Committee will review and discuss potential legislative ideas and recommend to the Commission direction on future legislation to be sought by the agency.
4. Behested payment reporting regulations. Staff: Karen Harrison, Senior Commission Counsel. Staff presents proposed regulations related to behested payment reporting for discussion to the Law and Policy Committee. The proposed regulations will be presented for adoption at the October 21, 2021, Commission meeting.
Staff Memo
Proposed Regulation 18424
Proposed Regulation 18424.1
Proposed Regulation 18424.2
Proposed Regulation 18424.3
Repeal of Regulation 18215.3
5. Discussion of items for November 2021 Committee meeting. Committee members and staff will discuss proposed agenda items for the November 2021 committee meeting.
- You may listen to and participate in this committee meeting by teleconference by calling: (877) 411-9748; access code 723284.
- For questions about this meeting, you may contact the Commission Assistant at (916) 327-8269.
[1] The Commission has established two-person advisory committees to allow greater participation by individual Commissioners in making recommendations to the full Commission. In recognition of the public’s interest in the meetings of these committees, the Commission has directed the committees to allow the public to monitor committee deliberations, whenever possible, by publishing a five-day notice of the meeting and allowing callers to listen and participate to the proceeding with a call-in telephone number.
As two-person advisory committees, Bagley Keene Open Meeting Requirements (Government Code Sections 11120 - 11132) do not apply to the committee meeting. However, the Commission will be soliciting public comment before and during the meeting. If you would like to comment on an agenda item prior to the meeting, you may email your comments to the Commission Assistant at CommAsst@fppc.ca.gov. Any comments submitted prior to the meeting will be provided to the committee members for consideration at the meeting. Additionally, the Commission is permitting public participation through the online portal: http://mediasite.fppc.ca.gov/
General Contact
Fair Political Practices Commission
1102 Q Street, Suite 3050
Sacramento, CA 95811
General Contact Line: (916) 322-5660
Advice Line: 1-866-ASK-FPPC (866) 275-3772