Mission to Increase Transparency

The FPPC collects thousands of forms and reports that contain important information about public officials. The transparency portal is designed to promote the accessability of this vital data. 

What's in the Portal?

The Transparency Portal is comprised of five separate tools that can help voters make informed choices at the ballot box.

Comprehensive Search Function: This feature allows users to search through public officials Form 700's, Agency Reports as well as FPPC Advice Letters, Commission Opinions and Case Closure letters.

Behested Payments Search: This user-friendly chart highlights which public officials solicited or "behested" payments to be given to their favorite charities or causes.

Top Contributor Lists: These lists detail the top 10 contributors to ballot measures and independent expenditure committees that have spent $1,000,000 or more to support or oppose a measure or candidate. 

Enforcement Actions Heat Map: This map provides a compelling visualization that illustrates where FPPC enforcement actions have taken place.

Public Records Requests: This page contains information on how to request documents and records from the FPPC. 

Pending Legislation: Here the public can find all the pending bills impacting the Political Reform Act and the Commission's positions on those bills.

Special Reports: Reports developed and published by the FPPC to enhance transparency and provide additional information on subjects under the Political Reform Act.

Enforcement Transparency Portal: The public can find information related to complaints and cases. The Portal is updated twice per day. Complaints and cases appear one day after receipt or opening.