Fact Sheets
The FPPC maintains numerous fact sheets to provide quick and easily understood information on a variety of subjects involving the Political Reform Act (the "Act"). Listed below are all of the FPPC fact sheets which are designed to answer some of the most commonly asked questions, provide examples, and offer advice on particular sections of the Act. Of course, not every single situation can be covered, so these fact sheets are general in nature.
Campaigns and Committees
- Campaign Basics Fact Sheet
- Committee Naming Requirements
- Contribution Limits: City and County Candidates (AB 571)
- Local Candidate/Committee Checklist
- FAQ: Campaign Activity
- Multipurpose Organizations Reporting Political Spending
- Limited Liability Company Contributions and Expenditures
- Sponsored Committee Qualification and Naming Requirements
- Funding for a Candidate’s “Inauguration Event”
- California State Contribution Limits
- Voluntary Expenditure Ceilings for State Candidates
- Terminating Your Committee (Local)
- Form T10 Instructions
- Cryptocurrency Contributions
- County Central Committees for Local Candidates
Political Advertising
- Political Advertisement Disclosures
- 1. Communications by Candidate Committees for their own Election
- 2. Independent Expenditure Ads on Candidates (except ads by candidates and political party committees)
- 3. Independent Expenditure Ads on Ballot Measures (except ads by candidates and political party committees)
- 4. Independent Expenditure Ads on Ballot Measures by Candidates and Political Party Committees
- 5. Independent Expenditure Ads on Candidates by Candidates and Political Party Committees
- 6. All Non-Independent Expenditure Ads (except ads by candidates and political party committees)
- 7. All Non-Independent Expenditure Ads by Candidates and Political Party Committees
Recall Elections
Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700)
- FAQ: Form 700 Disclosure
- Form 700 Reference Pamphlet
- Update of Rules Regarding the Filing of Expanded Statements of Economic Interests by Public Officials with Multiple Positions
- City-County FAQ
- Multi-County FAQ
- State Agency FAQ
- Updated Filing Officer and Filing Official Duties Relating to Statements of Economic Interests
- Guidelines for Waiving Late Fines
- Notification Guidelines for Filing Officers SEI
New Laws
Gifts & Travel
Conflict of Interest Codes
Conflicts of Interest and Section 1090
Leaving Government Service
Behested Payments
San Bernardino City and County Candidates
- San Bernardino County Candidate Checklist
- San Bernardino County Incumbent Candidate FAQs
- San Bernardino County Candidate and Treasurer PowerPoint Presentation
- San Bernardino County Guide for What to Keep for FPPC Audit
- San Bernardino County Recordkeeping Requirements
- San Bernardino City Recordkeeping Requirements
- San Bernardino City Candidate Checklist