FPPC AdWATCH successful in keeping an eye on campaign ads

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

November 15, 2018


For More Information Contact:

Jay Wierenga (916) 322-7761

.pdf version of news release

New for this election season, the agency launched FPPC AdWATCH as a new tool on the FPPC website where the public could help keep an eye on campaign advertising disclosure. Anyone could upload a picture of a campaign sign or a video of a campaign ad they thought may not contain the legally required disclosures.

The public uploaded more than 150 ads through FPPC AdWATCH since its launch in October. That is in addition to the more than 600 ads FPPC Enforcement Division reviewed proactively. It allowed the FPPC Enforcement Division to view these ads quickly to determine if they contained the proper disclosure and take the appropriate action if they didn’t. FPPC Enforcement identified more than 120 ads as potentially non-compliant and with further review contacted those involved to take down or correct the advertising.

“I’m very pleased to see this creative new capability was a resounding success in our efforts to make sure campaigns are following the rules and the public is able to be involved in the process,” said FPPC Chair Alice Germond. “The public’s help and interest is vital to making our elections fair and strong. FPPC AdWatch will be a very useful portal in the future to ensure the public gets the campaign disclosure it is entitled to.”

The FPPC wants to thank you for assisting in helping to make sure candidates and campaigns are providing proper disclosure on their political signs and other advertising.

This system is now inactive but will come back for the 2020 elections.

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) is California’s governmental ethics and campaign disclosure agency.
