FPPC Hearing Summary, November 15, 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

November 15, 2018


Jay Wierenga, FPPC

(916) 322-7761      

.pdf version of hearing summary                                      

Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov

Roll: Chair Germond and Commissioner Hayward were in attendance in person. Commissioners Hatch and Cardenas attended the meeting by telephone. 

Item 2: Minutes from October 2018 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0. 

Items 3-16: Enforcement Actions. Approved 4-0. 

Item 17: Biennial Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) to Statutory Limits stated in the Political Reform Act. Amend Regulations 18545, 18700, 18730, and 18940.2. Approved 4-0. 

Item 18: Prenotice Discussion of Amendments to Regulation 18702.2. Approved 4-0. 

Item 19: Adoption of the 2018/2019 Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700 and related documents. Approved 4-0. 

Item 20: Budget and Personnel Committee Update. Information item. 

Item 21: 2018-2019 First Quarter Expenditures Report. Accepted with direction for further reports. 

Item 22: Equal Employment Opportunity. Accepted conditionally pending further inquiry with Attorney General’s office. 

Item 23: Prohibit Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation. Accepted conditionally pending further inquiry with Attorney General’s office. 

Item 24: Law and Policy Committee Update. Information item. 

Item 25: Legislative Development. Adoption of staff recommendations regarding sponsorship of five potential legislative ideas including the use of campaign funds for costs of litigation related to sexual harassment and other employment related actions. Commission directed staff to submit legislative proposals to the Office of Legislative Counsel and to report Legislative Counsel drafts to the Law & Policy Committee followed by a report to the Commission in December.  Authorized Commission staff to communicate with the Secretary of State, the Legislature, and other stakeholders about potential statutory issues identified by staff. 4-0 

Item 26: Advice Letter Report and Commission Review. No action by Commission. 

Item 27: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted. 

Item 28: Closed session personnel item. 

Item 29: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items. Commissioner Hayward asked whether the Legal Department has heard back from the Attorney General’s office regarding our submission for Bagley Keene advice.
