FPPC Hearing Summary, January 15, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

January 15, 2020


Jay Wierenga, FPPC

(916) 322-7761      

.pdf version of hearing summary                                      

Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov

Roll: Chair Miadich and Commissioners Hatch, Hayward, and Wilson were in attendance. Commissioner Cardenas participated by teleconference.

Item 2: Minutes from December 19, 2019 Commission Hearing. Approved 5-0.

Items 3-5: Enforcement Actions. Approved 5-0.

Items 6-7: Assignment of Hearing to Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Motion for the Commission to hear In the Matter of City of Fountain Valley and In the Matter of Albert Robles for Carson City Council 2013 and Albert Robles rather than assign the cases to an ALJ. Approved 5-0.

Item 8: Update on Task Force to Study Best Practices for Regulating Campaign Activity on Digital Media. Information item.

Item 9: Budget Process. Information item.

Item 10: FPPC 2020/2021 Governor’s Budget. Information item.

Item 11: Legislative Development. Discussion item.

Item 12: Discussion of Enforcement Priorities/Processes. Discussion item.

Item 13: Advice Letter Report. Accepted as submitted.

Item 14: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.

Item 15: Closed Session. Administrative Adjudication (Gov. Code § 11126(c)(3).) The Commission reported out after closed session that they would adopt the ALJ Proposed Decision with two edits. They would accept the Legal Division’s suggested technical edits and would be lowering the fine amounts in counts 1 and 11 to $0.

Item 16: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items.
