FPPC offers new way to help you receive updates of Commission actions by topic
February 1, 2021
For More Information Contact:
Jay Wierenga (916) 322-7761
The Fair Political Practices Commission, California’s governmental ethics and campaign disclosure agency, today announced it will be offering new FPPC Quarterly Reports to the public. These quarterly reports will report on actions taken by the Commission into four areas.
“Our goal is to always make it easier for the public to find the information they’re looking for and doing so in the most transparent way possible,” said FPPC Chair Richard C. Miadich. “By offering a way to be automatically updated on specific subjects, the FPPC is helping the public receive details on their areas of interest rather than receiving larger reports on all Commission activity.”
These new reports will detail all Commission actions taken in the previous quarter based on the topics and will include changes in regulations, advice letters issued, new or updated Commission Opinions, and all related Enforcement Matters.
The topics cover these four areas:
- Ethics---Gifts, Honorarium, Travel, and Use of Campaign Funds
- Campaign Reporting and Advertising Disclosure
- Conflicts of Interest, Revolving Door, and Statements of Economic Interest
- Lobbying
For example, if someone is interested in looking at any changes regarding lobbying, they can sign up for the Lobbying Report. If someone is interested in gift issues, they can receive only the Ethics Report. Anyone interested can sign up to the FPPC listserv and receive any or all of the reports.
“The Commission is always trying to make the Political Reform Act (PRA) not only as effective as intended but also as understandable as possible. The Commission takes action on a wide range of issues each month and we realize that everyone may not want to receive updates on every action taken,” said Chair Miadich. “That’s why this customizable option has been added to our outreach.”
The FPPC currently offers a variety of other reports and news releases and those will remain available.
The new, FPPC Quarterly Report is available on the “Contact Us” page on the FPPC website: https://www.fppc.ca.gov/about-fppc/contact-us.html