FPPC Hearing Summary, February 13, 2025
February 13, 2025
Shery Yang, FPPC
(916) 322-7761
.pdf version of hearing summary
Below is a summary of the actions of the Fair Political Practices Commission during its monthly hearing. The meeting agenda can be found on our website at www.fppc.ca.gov.
Roll: Chair Silver and Commissioners Baker, Brandt, Ortiz, and Wilson were in attendance.
Item 2: Closed Session.
Item 3: Minutes from the January 2025 Commission Hearing. Approved 4-0 (Brandt abstained).
Item 4: In the Matter of Ryan Ogulnick; AC 2525 Main, LLC; RHW Holdings, LLC; Beverly Grossman Palmer; and the PAC known as “Californians for Ethical Patient Care, Yes on Tinajero for Mayor and Sarmiento and Reyna for City Council; No on Bacerra for City Council, Santa Ana 2018, Sponsored by 19th Green OC, LLC,”; FPPC No. 18/1194. Approved 5-0.
Item 5: In the Matter of Jeffrey Williams; FPPC No. 22/007. Approved 5-0.
Item 6: In the Matter of Damian Morgan; FPPC No. 22/075. Approved 5-0.
Items 7: Pre-Notice Default. Information item.
Item 8: Motion to Vacate Default Decision and Order, In the Matter of Sandy Genis for Costa Mesa City Council 2016, et. al.; FPPC No. 18/1359. Motion to deny approved 5-0.
Item 9: Pre-Notice Discussion of Proposed Repeal and Amendments of Regulations concerning Electronic Filing of SEIs with the FPPC. Information Item.
Item 10: Adoption of Proposed Revised Expenditure Codes. Approved 5-0.
Item 11: Discussion of possible FPPC response to wildfires in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, including regulatory and legislative action. Information item.
Item 12: Form 807 Discretionary Audit Results. Information item.
Item 13: 2024/2025 Fiscal Year Second Quarter Expenditure Report. Information item.
Item 14: 2025/2026 Governor’s Budget. Information item.
Item 15: Legislative Update. Commission voted to support AB359 and SB280 5-0.
Item 16: Executive Staff Reports. Accepted as submitted.
Item 17: Commissioner Comments and Proposed Future Agenda Items.