PAC in Violation


Sacramento News and Review

PAC in violation

Sacramento News and Review


PAC in violation

Political action committee Citizens for a Safer Butte County and its treasurer, Kelly Lawler, recently admitted to violating the Political Reform Act by not displaying “paid for” disclosures prominently enough on their campaign signs, according to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).

The PAC is the main supporter of Measures G and H, both of which deal with medical marijuana. Measure G would specifically exclude marijuana from the county’s Right to Farm Act, while Measure H amends the highly contentious Measure A, passed in 2014 by popular vote, that regulates the cultivation of medical marijuana.

“I’m happy we’ve found a way to achieve disclosure before the election. The spirit of the law is for campaigns to compete fairly, and give the voters the information they deserve and are legally entitled to,” said Galena West, FPPC enforcement chief, in a statement about the PAC’s violation.