Pending Legislation

The California State Legislature is authorized to amend the Political Reform Act to further the Act's purposes with a 2/3 vote of each house. This page includes information on legislation relating to the Act.

For any questions or comments relating to Political Reform Act legislation, please contact Lindsey Nakano at


Legislation Reports

PRA-Related Legislation

AB 26 (DeMaio) - Spot Bill

AB 351 (McKinnor) - Section 84308; Contributions to Agency Officers

AB 359 (Ramos) - Extension of Local Contracting Authority 


AB 270 (Lee and Cervantes) – Public Campaign Financing

AB 868 (Wilson) - Online public record of digital campaign ads

AB 1170 (Valencia) - Electronic filing of SEIs [CHAPTERED]

AB 2001 (Gallagher) - Minor/clarifying and cleanup changes to the PRA [CHAPTERED]

AB 2041 (Bonta) - Use of campaign funds for security expenses [CHAPTERED]

AB 2355 (Carrillo and Cervantes) – Disclaimer for Campaign Advertisements that use Artificial Intelligence [CHAPTERED]

AB 2573 (Mike Fong) – Gifts: Services of a Fellow [CHAPTERED]

AB 2611 (Wallis) - PRA spot bill

AB 2631 (Mike Fong) - Local ethics training program [CHAPTERED]

AB 2654 (Vince Fong) - Nondisclosure agreements

AB 2803 (Valencia) - Use of campaign funds: criminal convictions [CHAPTERED]

AB 2911 (McKinnor) - Contributions to Agency Officers: Disqualification: Reversal of SB 1439 (2022)

AB 2990 (Low) - FPPC Enforcement Actions: Time Limits

AB 3008 (Ramos and Garcia) - Compensation from tribal governments

AB 3124 (Low) - Spot bill

AB 3239 (Carrillo) - Use of Campaign Funds: Emotional Support Animal Airline Travel

SB 24 (Umberg) – Public Campaign Financing

SB 724 (Glazer) – Communications that Identify Elected State Officers

SB 948 (Limon and Zbur) - Treatment of General Election Contributions [CHAPTERED]

SB 1027 (Menjivar) - Redaction of bank account information on statements of organization [CHAPTERED]

SB 1100 (Portantino) - PRA spot bill

SB 1111 (Min) - Section 1090 [CHAPTERED]

SB 1151 (Hurtado) - Registration and reporting requirements for foreign agents

SB 1155 (Hurtado) - Postgovernment employment restriction for former heads of state administrative agencies

SB 1156 (Hurtado) - Financial disclosures for groundwater sustainability agencies [CHAPTERED]

SB 1170 (Menjivar) - Use of campaign funds for mental health expenses

SB 1181 (Glazer) - Contributions to Agency Officers: Disqualification: Section 84308 [CHAPTERED]

SB 1243 (Dodd) – Contributions to Agency Officers: Disqualification: Section 84308 [CHAPTERED]

SB 1404 (Glazer) - Lobbying audits and lobbyist fee

Oversight Hearing: Status of Lobbyist Audits - Franchise Tax Board
March 7, 2023 Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee

SB 1422 (Allen) - Disclosure of Payments for Elected Official Travel 

SB 1476 (Blakespear) - State Bar of California [CHAPTERED]



AB 37 (Bonta) - Use of campaign funds: security expenses

AB 83 (Lee) - Contributions and expenditures by foreign-influenced business entities

AB 270 (Lee) – Public campaign financing

AB 334 (Rubio) – Section 1090 and independent contractors [CHAPTERED]

AB 421 (Bryan) - Ballot pamphlet information for referendum measures [CHAPTERED]

AB 868 (Wilson) - Online public record of digital campaign ads

AB 1170 (Valencia) - Electronic filing of SEIs

SB 24 (Umberg) - Public campaign financing

SB 29 (Glazer) - FPPC Political Reform Education Program [CHAPTERED]

SB 248 (Newman) – Disclosure of candidate’s education, work, and military service history 

SB 251 (Newman) – Incompatible offices: elected officers employed by another elected officer 

SB 328 (Dodd) – Contribution limit expansion to candidates for all local elective offices 

SB 379 (Umberg) – Spot bill

SB 409 (Newman) – Pilot program for candidate video statements

SB 569 (Glazer) – Transfer of lobbying audit duty from FTB to FPPC 

SB 573 (Wahab) - Restrictions on post-legislative employment

SB 632 (Caballero) – Candidate ballot pamphlet statements: notification of approval or rejection and authorized content 

SB 678 (Umberg) - Disclaimers on paid third-party social media posts [CHAPTERED]

SB 681 (Allen) – Requirements for amending the Political Reform Act [CHAPTERED]

SB 724 (Glazer) – Disclosure of paid communications that identify an elected state officer

SB 858 (Niello) - Preparation of ballot measure titles and summaries

SB 888 (Senate Elections Committee) - Omnibus PRA bill



AB 775 (Berman) – Recurring contributions. [CHAPTERED]

AB 975 (Luz Rivas) – Statements of economic interests and reimbursement for gifts.

AB 1693 (Seyarto) – Contribution limits: recall elections: elected state officers.

AB 1783 (Levine) – Lobbying: expanding definition of "administrative action." [CHAPTERED]

AB 1798 (Bryan) – Campaign disclosure: advertisements.

AB 1819 (Lee) – Contribution prohibition: foreign-influenced business entities.

AB 2172 (Cervantes) – Email filing with SOS. [CHAPTERED]

AB 2158 (Mike Fong) – Ethics training for local educational agencies. [CHAPTERED]

AB 2528 (Bigelow) – Cal-Access: local filings. [CHAPTERED]

AB 2544 (Mayes) – Spot bill.

SB 459 (Allen) – Lobbying reports and issue lobbying advertisements. [CHAPTERED]

SB 746 (Skinner) – Business entity online political activity. [CHAPTERED]

SB 794 (Glazer) – Excess contributions. [CHAPTERED]

SB 921 (Newman) – State Digital Advertisement Archive.

SB 1352 (Allen) – Reporting contributions.

SB 1360 (Umberg and Allen) – Advertisement disclosures. [CHAPTERED]

SB 1362 (Melendez) – Citizens Redistricting Commission: reporting payments to influence.

SB 1439 (Glazer) – Contributions to local government agency officers: disqualification. [CHAPTERED]

SB 1483 (Glazer) – FPPC Political Reform Education Program.



AB 20 (Lee and Kalra) - Conrtibution prohibitions: business entities.

AB 40 (Lorena Gonzalez) - Slate mailer disclosures.

AB 227 (Davies) - Contribution prohibitions: Governor's appointees. 

AB 236 (Berman) – Campaign disclosure: limited liability companies.

AB 319 (Valladares) – Contribution limits. [CHAPTERED]

AB 378 (Bauer-Kahan) – Gendered term removal. [CHAPTERED]

AB 871 (Kiley) – Contribution prohibitions: investor-owned utilities.

AB 1367 (Low) – Campaign funds. [CHAPTERED]

AB 1379 (Eduardo Garcia) - Online platform disclosures.

AB 1590 (Committee on Elections) - PRA bill. [CHAPTERED]

SB 78 (Nielsen) – Paid campaign or political consultants.

SB 305 (Jones) – Effective date of electronic filing requirements

SB 686 (Glazer) – Campaign disclosure: limited liability companies. [CHAPTERED]

SB 752 (Allen) – Campaign advertisements.



AB 201 (Cervantes) - Text message disclosure. [CHAPTERED]

AB 220 (Bonta) - Campaign funds: childcare costs. [CHAPTERED]

AB 225 (Brough) - Campaign funds: childcare costs.

AB 322 (Gallagher and Gonzalez) - Local government agencies: online posting of statements and reports.

AB 359 (Melendez) - Postgovernment employment.

AB 571 (Mullin) - Local contribution limits. [CHAPTERED]

AB 626 (Quirk-Silva) - Section 1090

AB 864 (Mullin) - Disclosures. [CHAPTERED]

AB 902 (Levine) - Codifying FPPC regulations. [CHAPTERED]

AB 903 (Levine) - Expenditure exclusion; pre-election statements. [CHAPTERED]

AB 909 (Gallagher) - Statements of acknowledgment. [CHAPTERED]

AB 946 (Committee on Elections and Redistricting -  Political Reform Act of 1974. [CHAPTERED]

AB 1043 (Irwin) - Campaign funds: cybersecurity. [CHAPTERED]

AB 1141 (Melendez) - Misuse of funds.

AB 1217 (Mullin) - Electioneering and issue lobbying communications: disclosures.

AB 1245 (Low) - Contribution prohibitions: business entities.

AB 1306 (Garcia and Melendez) - Misuse of funds.

AB 1574 (Mullin) - Reporting of lobbying expenditures.

AB 2079 (Kiley) - Contribution prohibitions.

AB 2151 (Gallagher) -  Local government agencies: online posting of statements and reports. [CHAPTERED]

AB 2407 (Berman) - Limited liability companies 

AB 2467 (Levine) - Misuse of funds.

AB 2505 (Berman) - Campaign funds: direct personal benefit.

AB 2599 (Luz Rivas) - Spot bill.

AB 2885 (Eduardo Garcia) - Campaign disclosure: targeting.

AB 2889 (Mullin) - Contribution limits. 

AB 3078 (Cristina Garcia) - Behested payments.

SB 71 (Leyva) - Legal defense funds: limits on campaign expenditures. [CHAPTERED]

SB 84 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) - Online filing system. [CHAPTERED]

SB 300 (Umberg) - Contribution limits: foreign contributions. (Prior version)

SB 401 (Bates) - Contribution limits.

SB 423 (Umberg) - Committee bank accounts. (Prior version)

SB 1014 (Allen) - Contribution limits: recall.

SB 1436 (Grove) - Spot bill.



AB 14 (Gomez) - Campaign disclosures

AB 84 (Mullin) - Political party committee disclosures

AB 187 (Gloria) - Local ballot measure contribution and expenditure reporting [CHAPTERED]

AB 249 (Mullin) - Campaign disclosures [CHAPTERED]

AB 276 (Medina and Quirk-Silva) - Local educational agencies subject to PRA

AB 551 (Levine) - Postemployment restrictions: independent contractors [CHAPTERED]

AB 664 (Steinorth) - Campaign funds: compensation to candidate family members

AB 774 (Harper) - Contribution limits: foreign nationals

AB 780 (Harper) - Spot bill

AB 867 (Cooley) - Definitions: contribution and behested payments [CHAPTERED] 

AB 895 (Quirk) - SOS: campaign statements: paper filing [CHAPTERED]

AB 1089 (Mullin) - Local contribution limits

AB 1234 (Levine) - Contribution limits: political party committees

AB 1333 (Dababneh) - Local government agency: notices

AB 1458 (Friedman) - State candidate hyperlink to financial disclosures

AB 1478 (Jones-Sawyer) - Charter schools subject to PRA

AB 1524 (Brough) - Mass mailing prohibition

AB 1620 (Dababneh) - Postgovernment employment restrictions: members of the Legislature [CHAPTERED]

AB 2051 (Choi) - Candidate statements: withdrawal or revision

AB 2155 (Mullin) - Campaign advertisement disclosures [CHAPTERED]

AB 2188 (Mullin) - Campaign advertisement disclosures [CHAPTERED]

AB 2689 (Gray) - Contribution gift ban for certain Governor Appointees

AB 2880 (Harper) - Local agreements with the Commission [CHAPTERED]

AB 2882 (Harper) - Contribution limits: exception: payments to membership organizations

SB 24 (Portantino) - Economic interest disclosure: value ranges

SB 45 (Mendoza) - Mass mailing prohibition [CHAPTERED]

SB 226 (Hertzberg) - Slate mailers: disclosure: public safety personnel [CHAPTERED]

SB 267 (Pan) - City of Sacramento: agreement with Commission [CHAPTERED]

SB 358 (Stern) [CHAPTERED] - Secretary of State: hyperlinks to local campaign finance information

SB 529 (Nguyen) - Inspection of public records

SB 679 (Morrell) - Postgovernment employment restrictions: members of the Legislature

SB 738 (Fuller) - Spot bill

SB 806 (Glazer) - Charter schools subject to PRA

SB 1239 (Hertzberg) - Campaign disclosures [CHAPTERED]

SB 1454 (Newman) - Spot bill


Last Modified: February 04, 2025