Patrick J. Furey, Pat Furey for Mayor 2014, Torrance Voters PAC to Support Pat Furey for Mayor 2014, Richard Roesch, and Tina McKinnor
Illegal Campaign Committee Coordination
Fine: $35,000
FPPC No. 14/1118
Patrick J. Furey was a successful candidate for Mayor of Torrance in the June 3, 2014 Primary Election. Pat Furey for Mayor 2014 was his candidate controlled committee. Torrance Voters PAC to Support Pat Furey for Mayor 2014 was a recipient committee, which was wholly funded by McCormick Ambulance and the Torrance Firefighters PAC. The principal officer and the treasurer of Torrance Voters PAC were Richard Roesch and Tina McKinnor. Also, Roesch was President of McCormick Ambulance. On or about May 13 and 17, 2014, Torrance Voters PAC made non-monetary contributions to the Furey campaign totaling approximately $35,000. These payments were improperly reported by the PAC as independent expenditures. Roesch, McKinnor, and the PAC were required to report the making of these contributions by filing a Form 497 within 24 hours of making each contribution, and they were required to report the contributions on a preelection campaign statement filed for the period ending May 17, 2014, but they failed to do so.
Supporting Documents
How to File a Complaint
Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.