American Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Political Action Committee, Philip Yang, and Fanjin Li
Campaign Non-Filer
Fine: $2,222
FPPC No. 17/1014
American Association of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Political Action Committee is a state general purpose committee. Philip Yang is the Committee’s treasurer. Fanjin Li was the Committee’s treasurer until January 15, 2015. The Committee, Yang, and Li failed to timely file three pre-election campaign statements for the reporting periods of January 1, 2014 through May 17, 2014, and July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84200.5 (3 counts). The committee also failed to timely file six 24-hour reports for late contributions, amounting to $8,000, received between September 24, 2014 and October 29, 2014, in violation of Government Code Section 84203 (6 counts).
Supporting Documents
How to File a Complaint
Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.