Family Farmers Working for a Better California, Sponsored by Western Growers Association, Matt McInerney, and Ward Kennedy
Campaign Late Filer and Late Reporter
Fine: $3,500
FPPC No. 19/699
This matter arose from an audit performed by the Franchise Tax Board’s Political Reform Audit Program. Family Farmers Working for a Better California, Sponsored by Western Growers Association is a sponsored state general purpose committee. Ward Kennedy was the Committee’s treasurer and Matt McInerney was the Committee’s principal officer at the time of these violations. The Committee, McInerney, and Kennedy failed to timely report contributions on a 24-Hour Report, in violation of Government Code Section 84204, subdivision (b) (1 count) and failed to timely report subvendor payments on a semiannual campaign statement, in violation of Government Code Sections 84303 and 84211 (1 count).
Supporting Documents
How to File a Complaint
Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.