Hallinan for Board of Equalization 2018, Hallinan for Supervisor 2020, Tom Hallinan and Hannah Burcaw
Misuse of Cmapaign Funds
Fine: $7,500
FPPC No: 20/861
This matter arose from an audit performed by the Audit Division of the Fair Political Practices Commission. Tom Hallinan was an unsuccessful candidate for Board of Equalization in the November 6, 2018 General Election. Hallinan for Board of Equalization 2018 (“2018 Committee”) was Hallinan’s candidate-controlled committee. Additionally, Hallinan was an unsuccessful candidate for Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors in the November 3, 2020 General Election. Hallinan for Supervisor 2020 (“2020 Committee”) was Hallinan’s candidate-controlled committee. Hannah Burcaw served as the Committee’s treasurer for both the 2018 Committee and the 2020 Committee. The 2018 Committee, Hallinan, and Burcaw failed to timely file two semi-annual campaign statements, in violation of Government Code Section 84200 (1 count). The 2018 Committee, Hallinan, and Burcaw impermissibly contributed $3,000 to the 2020 Committee after the funds had become surplus, in violation of Government Code Section 89519 (1 count). The 2020 Committee, Hallinan, and Burcaw failed to properly disclose receipt of a contribution from the 2018 Committee, in violation of Government Code Section 84211 (1 count).
Supporting Documents
How to File a Complaint
Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.