Form 807 (Nonprofit Travel Payments, Advances and Reimbursements Donor Disclosure List)
The Form 807 is used by 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations that meet each of the following criteria:
- Regularly organize and host travel that is reasonably related to a legislative or governmental purpose, or to an issue of state, national, or international public policy, for state and local elected officials;
- Make travel payments, advances, or reimbursements totaling more than $10,000 in a calendar year, or totaling more than $5,000 in a calendar year for a single state or local elected official; and
- Have donors of $1,000 or more who accompanied an elected state or local official, either personally or through an agent, employee, or representative, for any portion of travel.
Government Code Section 89506(f) and Regulation 18940 requires these certain 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations to file the Form 807 to disclose donors of $1,000 or more who accompanied an elected officeholder for any portion of specified travel by April 30 of the calendar year following the year the organization met the above criteria.
Below you can search all filed Form 807s sorted by calendar year and name of reporting nonprofit.
- California Border Issues Project
- California Diplomacy Foundation
- Independent Voter Project (IVP Business and Leadership Conference)
- Independent Voter Project (Make it with Mexico Conference)