The FPPC Enforces the Act
Proposition 9, which was adopted by the voters and created the Act, stated “[p]revious laws regulating political practices have suffered from inadequate enforcement by state and local authorities.” It also specified “[a]dequate enforcement mechanisms should be provided to public officials and private citizens in order that this title will be vigorously enforced.” The nonpartisan FPPC is the agency primarily responsible for the fair application, interpretation, and enforcement of the Act.
The FPPC Enforcement Division works with the public, outside government agencies and the media in pursuit of potential violators of the Act.
File a Complaint
The Enforcement Division analyzes and processes over 1,500 complaints and referrals per year about potential violations of the Act. If you know of a possible violation, you may File a Complaint with the Enforcement Division.
Enforcement Case Resolution
Use the FPPC Transparency Portal to find prior enforcement case resolutions.
General Contact
Fair Political Practices Commission
1102 Q Street, Suite 3050
Sacramento, CA 95811
General Contact Line: (916) 322-5660
Advice Line: 1-866-ASK-FPPC (866) 275-3772