The FPPC is a Source of Information
The FPPC strives to provide information to the public, the regulated community, and the media. The resources below will help you find information such as elected official’s personal financial statements; guides, fact sheets, and helpful videos on various provisions of the Act; and press releases put out by the Commission.
Transparency Portal
The FPPC Transparency Portal offers the public the ability to search through public official’s Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700s), behested payments (solicited by officials), and other disclosure forms to promote transparency in government. Additionally, users can search through enforcement case resolution letters, FPPC advice letters and Commission opinions.
The FPPC Learn Page provides helpful guides, factsheets, and manuals to assist public officials, campaign officers, and other members of the regulated community to understand how to comply with the Act.
Media Center
The Media Center is a resource for individuals seeking a media spokesman, press releases, current agendas for the FPPC meetings, and the FPPC’s Annual Report.
General Contact
Fair Political Practices Commission
1102 Q Street, Suite 3050
Sacramento, CA 95811
General Contact Line: (916) 322-5660
Advice Line: 1-866-ASK-FPPC (866) 275-3772