Southwest Teachers Association PAC, Ben Swearingen, and Michelle Gates
Fine: $6,500
FPPC No. 17/403
Southwest Teachers Association PAC is a county general purpose committee that engaged in political activity during the November 8, 2016 General Election. Ben Swearingen is the Committee’s principal officer and Michelle Gates is the Committee’s treasurer. The Committee, Swearingen, and Gates failed to timely file a preelection campaign statement for the reporting period of July 1, 2016 through October 22, 2016, in violation of Government Code Sections 84200.5, subdivision (c), and 84200.8, subdivision (b) (1 count). During that time, the committee failed to timely report four late independent expenditures on 24-hour independent expenditure reports, in violation of Section 84204 (1 count). The committee also failed to include the required “Paid for by” phrase and committee name on a billboard advertisement and failed to print a disclosure statement that met the applicable sizing requirements on a banner advertisement, in violation of Government Code Sections 84506 and 84506.5, and Regulation 18450.4 (1 count).
Supporting Documents
How to File a Complaint
Anyone who suspects a violation of the Act should file a sworn complaint with the Enforcement Division.